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Swordfish's Red Baron 3D page

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CSq_Swordfish [at] hotmail.com


News and updates
About Red Baron 3D
GettingStarted with RB3D
Running an RB3D server
Server rules

News and updates



2024-11-26 My RB3D server and metaserver internet access problems appear to have been resolved, and they are now accessible again from outside my LAN. :-)

Pilots: Make sure your mplayer.ini file contains the following meta server address in the MetaServers section:

Server=TCP:anwa.dynamic-dns.net:6001 ; Swordfish

Server operators: Make sure your rb2server.ini file contains the following meta server info:

// * * * * META-SERVER SETTINGS * * * *
TCP:anwa.dynamic-dns.net:6001 ; Swordfish

Links page updated.

2024-11-11 My RB3D server and metaserver are currently not accessible outside of my LAN due to technical problems after I recently changed my internet service provider. :-(
I am struggling with the ISP customer support to make them understand the problem and fix it.
2024-10-18 Updated Downloads page with RB3D User Manual, keyboard Reference Card and Cap'n Darwin's Blue Sky patch.
2024-09-28 Updated Links page.
2024-09-09 Updated GettingStarted with RB3D and Running an RB3D server pages.
2024-07-06 Temporary summer break in server operations:
My RB3D server and metaserver will be unavailable during the period 8 July - 11 August 2024. Sorry for any inconvenience.
2024-05-22 Just a heads up that my RB3D metaserver and game servers will be temporarily unavailable during the period 26 May - 5 June. Sorry for any inconvenience.
2024-02-27 Just a heads up that my RB3D metaserver and game servers will be temporarily unavailable during next week (2-9 March). Sorry for any inconvenience.
2024-02-13 I have at last been able to resolve the technical problems with my ISP, and my metaserver and servers are now accessible again from outside my LAN. :-)

Pilots: Make sure your mplayer.ini file contains the following meta server address in the MetaServers section:

 Server=TCP:rb3d.swordfish.cloud-kit.nl:6001 ; Swordfish

Server operators: Make sure your rb2server.ini file contains the following meta server info:

// * * * * META-SERVER SETTINGS * * * *
TCP:rb3d.swordfish.cloud-kit.nl:6001 ; Swordfish

2023-12-17 My metaserver appears to be inaccessible, I am having technical problems related to my Internet service provider. :-(
2023-08-09 My RB3D metaserver and server are now operational again. Thank you for your patience.
2023-06-21 Temporary summer break in server operations:
My RB3D server and metaserver will be down during the period 26 June - 6 August 2023 due to vacation and technical maintenance. Sorry for any inconvenience.
2023-06-18 Added GabiLaser's bullet count patch to the Downloads page

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About Red Baron 3D

Hawker_v_Richtofen.jpg (60748 bytes)

Lanoe Hawker's famous duel with Baron Manfred von Richthofen (screen shot from Red Baron 3D).
Click on image to see it in full size.

Red Baron 3D (RB3D) from Dynamix/Sierra is a WW1 aerial combat flight simulator focusing on an era when men were made of steel and planes were made of canvas and wood! Red Baron 3D was originally released in 1998 and  included 3Dfx graphics as the major improvement over previous versions. It is still considered to be the best WW1 flight sim ever made. In addition to an amazing dynamic campaign function in single player (SP) mode, multiplayer online flying (MMP) is well supported in Red Baron 3D. You can play in a LAN or on the internet free of charge. You can either join in on a public server or start your own server using the free MMP server software.

The most attractive thing with Red Baron 3D is the active player's community that still produces amazing patches and enhancements after all these years. There is still a number of active players who play RB3D online, and thanks to the efforts of some die-hard enthusiasts you can find metaservers and public  servers offering different game play scenarios.

GettingStarted with RB3D


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Last updated:   2024-11-26        CSq_Swordfish[at]hotmail.com